When does the winter comes?

This night I had a dream that the snow has come, it is around 0-1 celsius degrees ouside, even colder at the night, but no snow yet :/ Have wait enough now I think...

I did sat and read some old emails today between me and a friend from early last year. It was some motivationsemail. I just love the feeling of support hers and I hope I finally some day am the junior coach I wanna be. Stand there at the competiton with some youngsters/juniors that I've coached them and supported them to belivie in what they do. I do not want to be that kind of coach that counts that everyone MUST take medals. I wanted that they shall do their best. Some of them might even reach their goals, which can be, take their FIRST medal, beat a special one, or just win ONE match. All the goals are so individual. And I can not decide what someones goal shall be. I can suggest goals, but NOT tell them. THIS MUST BE YOUR GOAL DURING THE COMING YEAR/SEASON.

I think It would be awesome to study, coaching in english, not a whole program but a course. Just for fun and in the same time even advance my english. So, why not do it in the future? Would be cool..

I´ve just ate a tasty fishsoup. I had some left and warmed up it. Now, its time to continue clean this mess and after that make cupcakes and make some more dinners for the comming days. Tonight I will watch at IDOL 2009 and se who will win this weekend final. It's one from this town that compete there this year. Would be fun for him to go further.

As I started... When does the winter comes? I want the snow and the cold NOW!!! 

Yeah right, I even soon start gym again... In the end of this month or start of next... I will be back on track again NEXT year at the swedish nationals.. 'Cause I will be in the swedish team again. And I will fight even if it will be real hard to reach it. I've got the fightingspirit inside of me... So watch out 'cause here I come 


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