Bad weather, I want candy and it's FRIDAY!!!

Haha, it's my day today and I am in a glad mood. Even if the snow acctually more comes down to the ground as rain. Not that good weather at all.  But, it's going to be spring now so the snow must melt away and the reallly cold winterdays are over now...

Yesterday I were at the Armwrestlingtraining and it went pretty perfect. Always fun going there and pull against some other and try other and more arms than here. And I got to meet some other people too and its always fun to spend time with those funny/crazy lovely gang.

I think I might go to the gym for monday and take it easy in the gbeginning. I think I might started to hard last time at the gym. Now this weekend I will work it will be fun... Then a new week begin and I am going to train hard again...


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